Transport & Logistics

| Reading Time: 2 Min

Fast new World

In the transport & logistics area the situation concerning orders is, unfortunately, not only dependent on quality but also on speed. It is specifically this factor which defines this branch like no other. Due to the ever-increasing networking worldwide, to the constant expansion of the infrastructure in developed countries and the pressure from consumers to have goods delivered in shorter time intervals, operators in this sector are faced with great challenges. In the EU more than 50 % of the transportation is on the street, and the transported tons per anum (tpa) are still increasing.

Improve Transport & Logistics processes

In order not to give in to this pressure, individual solutions will become increasingly important for those working in this sector. To maintain one’s market position in the transport sector on both a national and international level, above all, a high degree of customer-orientation as well as improved development, transport and logistics processes are necessary: Our consulting experts can bring you on the fast track.

Regional Roots. International network. Your benefits of the Group

For many years, the TPA Group has advised national and international companies which are active in the transport & logistics sector in the entire CEE/SEE region: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. We can support you in stressing and highlighting your strengths and in facing the increasing challenges on the market – in Europe and worldwide.

Overcoming Borders in Thoughts and Actions. Find out more about further Industries and our services.

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