Data on average annual salary in Serbia for 2018 has been published on 26 February 2019 and amounts to RSD 823,548. The data is used to determine applicable annual income tax thresholds for 2018.
Total net income of an individual generated in calendar 2018 is taxable progressively as follows:
- taxable income generated up to RSD 2,470,644 – non-taxable;
- taxable income generated up to RSD 4,941,288 – subject to 10% tax rate;
- taxable income exceeding RSD 4,941,288 – subject to 15% tax rate.
The annual taxable base for 2018 may be reduced by the following personal deductions (but cannot reduce taxable income for more than 50%):
- reduction for a taxpayer: RSD 329,419;
- reduction for each dependent family member of a taxpayer: RSD 123,532.
The deadline for submission of annual income tax return for 2018 is 15 May 2019.
For any further clarifications, your TPA team in Serbia is at your disposal.