Tax Highlights Romania 2019

18. March 2019 | Reading Time: 2 Min

Tax Highlights Romania

When Investing in Romania you should be informed well about the most important tax changes this year.

1. Gambling in Romania

Gambling operators have the obligation to pay a monthly fee of 2 % computed on the total fees collected in the previous month.

A gambling operator set up during the year is required to pay a monthly fee of 2 % calculated on the total of the participation fees collected in the previous month.

2. Granting licenses for the use of radio frequencies

A tax which ranges from 2 % – 4 % was introduced for operators using certain radio frequencies. It is applied on the turnover of the year preceding the extension of the license, multiplied by the number of years for which the license is granted.

3. Electricity and heat in cogeneration

A new tax of 2 % was introduced. It is applicable on the turnover obtained by taxpayers from the activities covered by the licenses granted by authorities.

4. Ceiling of gas prices

During April 1st, 2019 – February 28th, 2022 the producers carrying out both extraction activities and sales of natural gas extracted from Romania have the obligation to sell at the price of RON 68 / MWh. This is applicable to the natural sold to eligible suppliers and final customers.

5. Special provisions in the construction sector

For the employees working in the construction sector, their income (up to a gross income of RON 30,000) is tax exempt. The social insurance contribution is reduced by 3.75 % and the pension contribution is eliminated. In the same time the minimum gross wage is raised to RON 3,000.

6. Tax on the assets of banking institutions

Banking institutions are required to pay the tax on their financial assets if the 3M ROBOR exceeds the 2 % threshold. The tax ranges from 0.1 % – 0.5 %.


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