Slovenia: Tax Update 2021

11. April 2021 | Reading Time: 2 Min

Slovenia - Steuer News 2021 Tax news 2021 Slovenia Investing

What investors & companies need to know!

What tax changes will 2021 bring in Slovenia? What should investors pay attention to in the future – and which decisions will benefit them? TPA’s experts have summarized the most important tax news for Slovenia for you.


Tax Law Amendments in Slovenia

The beginning of 2020 saw a number of tax law amendments in the field of personal income tax and corporate income tax.

The legal changes adopted per 1 January 2021 had a virus-related background, affecting tax law only in a few peripheral areas. The COVID regulations in conjunction with facilities for payment originally scheduled to expire on 31 December 2020 were extended until 31 March 2021 based on powers to issue ordinances provided for under the law.

Based on applicable COVID legislation, applications for deferred payment and payment by instalments may now be filed for up to 24 months. Applications for payment facilities may refer to tax and social security contributions and also to tax prepayments and withholding tax liabilities. No interest for deferred payment and payment by instalments will be charged before the expiry of 24 months.

Partially reduced working hours were only introduced in Slovenia in conjunction with the COVID legislation adopted. Partially reduced working hours means that employees’ working hours could be reduced to between 5 and 20 hours per week. With the most recent act on COVID measures, this special provision was extended until 30 June 2021.

The law stipulates that the entitlement to annual leave not taken will expire on 30 June of the following year. In the event that annual leave from 2020 cannot be taken due to the COVID crisis, pursuant to the act on COVID measures the leave entitlement will not expire before 31 December 2021.


New: 12 Countries. 12 Tax Systems.

Are you up-to-date with the current taxation of the Central and South Eastern region? Find out more in our recently published Investing in CEE / SEE 2021 Collection – Investing in Slovenia

Investing in CEE - TPA Update of tax systems in CEE/SEE


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