Private Individuals & Trusts

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Standards of next generation advisory

As a wealthy entrepreneur, top-earner or person of independent means, we can advise you on the organisation and development of your assets in order to secure these for the next generations. We will listen carefully to you to find out what is important to you today and what will be important in the future. Together we can take paths not previously trodden and offer you solutions which meet your needs and wishes both now and in the future.

Real Estate: Investments for the future

Real estate remains a popular form of investment even in economically turbulent times. The TPA Group is one of the leading advisors of national and international real estate funds and investors. Our specialists can offer you the know how with is of great importance for the formation of a Private Foundation. Click to find out more about our 360° Financial Services in real estate!

Tax Administration and Accounting – Exploiting undiscovered potential

Our experts will advise you at the highest level – with passion and absolute discretion and reliability. Our tax advisors and local specialists will undertake not only the complete process but also the preparation of tax declarations in detailed coordination. In addition, our advisory services also includes the examination of common practices and procedures in terms of efficiency and possible potential for improvement. If you do not wish to be without a reliable partner in the future, you are with the right people at TPA!

Face to Face business in Europe and worldwide

The TPA Group is active in 12 countries in Central and South East Europe. Furthermore we are a member of the Baker Tilly International worldwide network of tax advisors, auditors and corporate consultants. For us, face to face business means eye-level consultancy to take you forward and wherever you are, we speak your language and know the challenges of your market. Our experts unite specialised and sector knowledge with a passion and love of detail.

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